气论哲学,qi philosophy
1)qi philosophy气论哲学
1.Zhang Zai and So Kyong-dok are noted representatives of qi philosophy in China and Korea,who lay emphasis on the materiality,unity in opposition,and indestructibility of qi.张载和徐敬德分别是中国和朝鲜哲学史上气论哲学的重要代表。

1.An Inquiry of WANG Tingxiang s Philosophy of Qi -With Considerations of the Characteristics of the Theory of Qi in Chinese Classical Philosophy;王廷相气论哲学新探——兼论中国古典气论哲学的一般性质
2.Meditations on Anaximenes′ Philosophy as Air Monism;阿那克西米尼的气一元论哲学的当代思辨
3.formal mechanism【哲学】形式机械论
4.Is the Philosophy Science--Also Discussing What is Philosophy and What Philosophy is哲学是科学吗——兼论哲学是什么和什么是哲学
5.Philosophy & Methodology of Science ?科学哲学与科学方法论
6.Philosophy’s Abdication: on the Relationship between Philosophy and Politics in Kant;哲学退位——论康德哲学中哲学和政治的关系
7.Ontology and Philosophical Subject of Marx s Philosophy of Science;马克思科学哲学的本体论与哲学主题
8.Analysis on the Difficulties in the Teaching of Philosophical Basic Theory;对哲学基础理论教学困境的哲学分析
9.On the Nature of Marxist Philosophy:Practical Philosophy of Anthropology;论马克思哲学的实质:实践人类学哲学
10.On the Truth of Philosophy Uiewpoint that Philasophy is Philosophy --Form the Relationship between Western Modern Philosophy and Science;论“哲学是哲学”的哲学观真相——从西方近代哲学与科学的关系说起
11.Philosophy,Reason and Ecology:a Comment on An Introduction to Eco-Reason Philosophy;哲学·理性与生态——读《生态理性哲学导论》
12.On value of late Greece philosophy in western philosophy;论晚期希腊哲学在西方哲学中的价值
13.Translation Study:From Praxis Philosophy to Rational Philosophy;由实践哲学转向理论哲学的翻译研究
14.The Position of Contribution to Philosophy in Heidegger s Philosophy;论《哲学贡献》在海德格尔哲学中的地位
15.Engineering Philosophy: From the Perspectives of "Meta-" Philosophy and Social Epistemology;工程哲学:“元”哲学与社会认识论的视野
16.Why is "Philosophy-King" Possible?--Discussion on Plato s Political Philosophy;“哲学王”何以可能——柏拉图政治哲学引论
17.Philosophicalizing College Teaching of the Marxist Philosophy;论高校马克思主义哲学教育的哲学化
18.On the Critical Thinking and Educational Innovation of Philosophy论哲学的批判性思维与哲学教育创新

A Discussion on the Qi Theory of Zhang zhai张载气论哲学论纲
3)philosophy introduction哲学概论
4)the Ying yang climatology monsoon道论哲学
5)philosophical theory哲学理论
6)philosophical controversies哲学争论

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀